Tommy Zablan
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私は、ファッションやライフスタイル雑誌のために写真を撮るエディトリアルファッションとポートレートのフォトグラファーとしてキャリアをスタートし、やがて広告キャンペーンの撮影へと進みました。物語を語ることへの情熱に駆られ、映画学校で3Dアニメーションと視覚効果を学びました。卒業後、ゲーム用のアセットをモデリングし、没入感のある3Dワールドを構築する3Dアーティストとして働き、その後、Adobe Photoshop、After Effects、Autodesk Mayaのインストラクターとなりました。これらの活動の中でも、シネマトグラフィーと伝統的な写真を通じて物語を語ることへの愛情が私の仕事の中心にあります。

I started out as an editorial fashion and portrait photographer, capturing images for fashion and lifestyle magazines, and eventually moved on to shooting advertising campaigns. Driven by a passion for storytelling, I went on to study 3D Animation and Visual Effects in film school. After graduating, I worked as a 3D artist, modeling assets for games and building immersive 3D worlds. Later, I became an instructor of Adobe Photoshop, After Effects, and Autodesk Maya. Amidst all these ventures, my love for storytelling through cinematography and traditional photography remains at the heart of my work.

Capturing Reality

All these moments will not be lost in time, like tears in the rain. For me, photography is about being present in that moment, and capturing light reflecting off something physical, optically, through a lens. My photos remain mostly unedited, asides from color and tonal adjustments, or black and white conversions, that were, in times past, done in the darkroom with film. I strive to keep my personal photography practical, with minimal editing or CGI. A homage to the reality of the moment, if you will.
Why? Preference. Choice. In another life, I was a CG/VFX artist and Photoshop teacher. As a sci-fi aficionado, I actively study generative A.I. and explore its applications. In the digital world, everything is possible. Reality, on the other hand, is real. Truth is often stranger than fiction. It is our physical and inherently “imperfect” nature that essentially, makes us human.
Follow me on Instagram and Youtube.

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